Welcome to Theme Sections

Hey there, I'm Dmytro, the guy behind Theme Sections. With over a decade of experience in web development, including years at a top Shopify agency as a frontend web developer, I have the skills necessary to help businesses like yours succeed online.

I've seen it all in this industry, from small tweaks to massive overhauls, and I know what it takes to build a killer website. I've worked on sites that get millions of hits, always sticking to the highest industry standards. But here's the deal - I wanted to bring that same level of quality to more people without breaking the bank. That's why I launched Theme Sections.

My mission? To give small businesses access to top-notch Shopify sections at a fraction of what agencies charge. And I'm not stopping there. I'm on a mission to grow this collection and build a team of experts who'll help businesses like yours create killer websites that stand out from the competition.

Ready to make it happen? Let's take your website to the next level!